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Letter From Recruitment Chair


Hey Gamecocks!

My name is Anna Hoblitzell and I am the 2023 Membership Director for Phi Mu here at JSU! My Phi Mu story began as a senior in high school getting ready to move away from home. I was a girl from Georgia moving to a new state without knowing anyone prior to recruitment. I’ve had the same friends for about 13 years, so moving away from everyone and everything I knew was terrifying. My mom encouraged me to go through rush. I knew very little about the process, only what my mom remembered from her time in Greek life years ago. My mom always talked about the friendships she made in college and how close she was to her sisters. My prayer was to gain that close group of friends that I could call family when it seemed like home was so far away. There are no words to describe the anxiety and nerves I had leading up to rush week and even through the rush process. Though, one constant I experienced throughout the week was how comfortable I felt in the Phi Mu room. It seemed as though all of my nerves disappeared and I could fully be myself. Phi Mu was like a breath of fresh air. As I prayed for clarity throughout the week, it became clear that God had placed me right where I was supposed to be, at JSU in Phi Mu. Since bid day I have made some of the best friendships I’ve ever had in my life. I am so blessed to be a part of such an amazing organization made up of outstanding girls that push me to better myself everyday. Phi Mu and Greek life as a whole has provided me with countless opportunities that continue to shape me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful.

It is because of these reasons that I am so passionate about helping other girls find their home in the Greek community. Whether you are like me, out-of-state looking for a close group of friends, a local to Jacksonville looking to get involved, or a girl searching for a community to grow in, there is a home for everyone. In Phi Mu I found my home away from home, my best friends and a true sense of sisterhood. I believe that everyone has a special place that they will call home and feel the same level of comfort and love as I do. I encourage everyone to go in with an open mind and heart, and believe that you will find the sisterhood that is perfect for you. Before you even realize it, it will become your Forever Home. 

-Anna Hoblitzell